Forces In Motion

Proficiency #1

How does the mass of the toy car effect the distance a piece of wood moves?

I think that the car with the most weight applied to it will make the wood move the farthest. I think this, because the more weight forced onto an object, the farther it will go.

Experimental Design: 
*Toy Car
*Block of Wood
*Five Corks

CV: Size and shape of toy car, block of wood, Ramp, where the block of wood is placed, The steepness of the ramp, the surface the car is rolling on
IV: The mass of the toy car
DV: The distance the block of wood moves

*Gather all materials
*Tape two corks to the toy car
*Let the toy car roll down the ramp
*Measure the distance the block of wood moved
*Repeat five times
*Tape three corks to the toy car
*Let the toy car roll down the ramp
*Measure the distance the block of wood moved
*Repeat five times
*Tape four corks to the toy car
*Let the toy car roll down the ramp
*Measure the distance the block of wood moved
*Repeat five times
*Tape five corks to the toy car
*Let the toy car roll down the ramp
*Measure the distance the block of wood moved
*Repeat five times
*If any problems occur, such as the car falling off the ramp, I simply start over and repeat the procedure.


When conducting my procedure, I realized that for the round with only two corks, they ended up making the block of wood move farther than when the toy car had five corks on it. Also, I observed that the round with three corks, ended up going faster than any of them. I think this happened, because the toy car was more sturdy with only three corks, rather than five.

Conclusion and Analysis:

I wanted to know how the mass of the toy car effected the distance a piece of wood moves. I figured in my hypothesis, that the more mass the car has, the farther the distance the block of wood would move. I found out while conducting my procedure, that I was incorrect. It turns out that the car with not to many corks, but not to little, had the most force. That would be the car with three corks.

 I found that the average for the car with two corks that was rounded to the whole inch was 19.4in. As for the car with three corks, the average was 23.8in. For the car with four corks, it was 12.2in. And lastly, for the car with five corks the average was 16.4.

I had an external variable of the corks. It was difficult to keep them all onto that small car. The corks were awfully big, and the ramp was very thin, so I had to use a small car. I was able to make the corks go onto the car, but the could have been on the car neater, and that could have effected my experiment. Next time I will make sure to find a bigger car and a wider ramp, so the experiment can go much more smoothly.

Proficiency #2

What impact does the surface of the track have on the time is takes to reach the bottom?

I think that when the ramp has water on it, the car will slide down it faster. I think this because since the water is slippery and has a thinner consistency, the car will just slide down the ramp. 

Experimental Design: 
*Toy Car
*Baking soda
*Stop Watch
*Saran Wrap

CV: Toy Car, Person controlling stopwatch, Steepness of ramp
IV: Surface of Ramp
DV: Time is takes for the toy car to get from the top of the track to the bottom

*Gather all materials
*Place Baking Soda evenly on track
*Time the speed it takes the toy car to get from the top to the bottom of the ramp
* Repeat three times
*Clean off ramp
*Place the saran wrap flat onto the track
*Time the speed it takes the toy car to get from the top to the bottom of the ramp
*Repeat three times
*Clean off ramp
*Place the water evenly onto the track
*Time the speed it takes the toy car to get from the top to the bottom of the ramp
*Repeat three times
*Clean off ramp
*If any problems occur, such as the car falling off the ramp, I simply start over and repeat the procedure.


I observed that the round with the water made the car go the fastest. I also observed that the first round had numbers ranging from 60 all the way to 90. I am not sure why that is, but since most of my other numbers are consistent, I don't bother doing it again. Also, with the Saran Wrap, it was difficult for the car to move, because the wrap is often sticky, so that was the longest round.

Conclusion and Analysis: 
I wanted to find what impact does the surface of a track have on the time is takes to reach the bottom. In my hypothesis, I stated that I thought the round with the water was going to go the fastest, and I was correct. I found that the Baking Soda was close to the water, but the Saran Wrap made the car go very slowly. When looking more into it, I found that the water made  the car go faster, because water is slippery, and made the car just slip on by. Yet with the wrap, it has friction, and it kid of sticky, so it caused the car to move much more slowly. 

On average, the car in the water .5 seconds. The car in the Baking Soda lasted on average .62 seconds before hitting the ground. And it took the car on average 3.78 seconds before hitting the ground.

One external variable I had, while doing my experiment, was trying to get the Saran Wrap flat onto the ramp. It was difficult, because it always had bumps and that would always interfere with the time is takes for it to normally slide down the ramp. Next time I will make sure to use something a little more easier, or make sure to be careful and not make the Saran Wrap fold or get all tangled.   

Proficiency #3

What does the angle of decent have on the rate of deceleration? 

I think that the ramp that is 10 inches off the ground will make the car have a faster deceleration. I think this, because since the ramp has more angle to it, it is more steep. And since hills and drops make things go faster because of gravity, therefore the car will go faster.

Experimental Design: 
*Two People
*Two Stopwatches
*A yard stick
*A toy car

CV: Size and shape of toy car, people timing, yard stick
IV: Height of the Ramp
DV: What  the angle of decent has on the rate of deceleration 

* Gather all materials
*Make sure that the ramp is three inches off of the ground
*Mark six inches from the start and the back of the track
*Take toy car and set it on ramp
*Make sure your three timers are set
* Watch car go down ramp
* Stop timer at first six inches
*Stop next timer at the last six inches
*Stop the last timer when car comes to a complete stop
*Repeat three times
*Write down results
*Make sure that the ramp is six inches off of the ground

*Mark six inches from the start and the back of the track

*Take toy car and set it on ramp
*Make sure your three timers are set
* Watch car go down ramp
* Stop timer at first six inches
*Stop next timer at the last six inches
*Stop the last timer when car comes to a complete stop
*Repeat three times
*Write down results
*Make sure that the ramp is ten inches off of the ground

*Mark six inches from the start and the back of the track

*Take toy car and set it on ramp
*Make sure your three timers are set
* Watch car go down ramp
* Stop timer at first six inches
*Stop next timer at the last six inches
*Stop the last timer when car comes to a complete stop
*Repeat three times
*Write down results
*Clean up station
*If any problems occur, such as the car falling off the ramp, I simply start over and repeat the procedure.
When observing my graph, I realized that the ramp with a slant of 10 inches off the ground, made the car have a faster deceleration. I figured that in my hypothesis, and I have come to a conclusion that I was correct. The ramp that was three inches off of the ground, took a while to hit the ground. I have found out that that is because since it does not have much force, the car did not have enough energy to go fast, because the surface was pretty much flat.
Conclusion and Analysis:

In my experiment, I was trying to find what impact the angle of decent had on the rate of deceleration. In my hypothesis, I thought that the ramp with the steeper angle would make the car have the faster deceleration. It turned out that I was correct. 

Some problems that I encountered while doing my experiment, first off, I had to figure out how to do the experiment. When I finally learned, I had trouble finding the exact times for all of the times people where supposed to stop the stopwatch. My external variable was definitely space. I needed to find a big space and it was difficult to find one. I finally just decided to avoid that external variable, by going in the hallway. 
Rube Goldberg
***Video will be up as soon as possible. 

Solar Energy Essay - 

When you think of Solar Energy, what do you think of? Going Green? A way to make a healthier Earth? Well, its much more. It does not only help the Earth, it helps our wallet too. There are many uses of Solar Energy that help the Earth be a better place and has a very interesting history.

First of all, you want to know what Solar Energy is right? Well, basically it is energy from the sun, that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. The energy comes from the helium and hydrogen in the sun that generates energy in its core. This process is called "Nuclear Fusion." It takes millions of years for the for the energy that is created to hit the solar system's surface. But only takes about eight minutes to hit the Earths surface. Only a small portion of the energy the sun radiated hits the Earth though. But for the United States, that is enough energy needs for one and a half years. Solar Energy is also absorbed by plants, the land, and the oceans. The rest is used to supply our personal energy needs. 

Now that you know how Solar Energy is produced, your probably are wondering how it was discovered. Solar Energy has been in use since seventh century B.C. But in 1838, a man named Edmund Becquerel observed and published findings about the nature of materials to turn light into energy. Then in 1870's, a man named Auguste Mouchout was the first to make a design for a motor running on solar energy. Then, after getting information, produced the first steam engine. After that big discovery, scientist Charles Fritz figured out how to make the sun's rays into electricity. Then, in the late 1800's, Charles Tellier also known as the man who invented refrigeration, installed the first solar energy system for heating household water on top of his roof. In 1956, the first solar cell was made available to the public at an expensive $300 per watt. It was now being used in radios and toys. Today, there is a renewed focus more as people see the advantages of solar energy and as it becomes more affordable. Also, solar electric systems are now used in many homes, businesses,cars, and is being used everywhere for the United States all the way to Africa.

Solar Energy is saving the Earth day by day. It is a way to go green and make the Earth a better place. If you care about your Earth, if you care about reducing pollution, solar energy is the way to go.