Monday, February 28, 2011

The Story of Sebastian and Leo the Lion

Ever looked up at the sky, and noticed a knight in shining armor? Ever wonder why this knight in shining armor holds the “golden sword?” Well, that is the story of Sebastian, the greatest in all of the land. His story originated from the ancient Greeks, and is told by many today. This humble man, riding his prestige, will forever be known as the “Great One!”

This tale of the “Great One,” starts out in old world Greece, where the princess of the land is loved by many, many men. She is always wooed and swept off her feet everyday by several men, hoping they will be the chosen one who the princess falls in love with, so they can someday rule the small city, known as “The Great City.”

Now, the princess did not take smack from anyone. She was sassy, rude, and did not like all of the attention the boys gave her. She finally figured out, that if she were to lock the stalker men up, she would never have to deal with them again. So she did just so, and her plan was working successfully!

Until one cold, rainy day, when all of the stalker men managed to push with all of their might on the steel bars, to eventually break them open. Now, you have to remember that these strange beings had been crammed into that small cell, so they were not the happiest. So, these rude men decided to get even.

The only way the thought of getting even, was to give the princess what she deserved, which was death. So they decided to kidnap her, while she was talking a peaceful nap, and stuff her into a huge cage in the center of the city with Leo the Lion. At first she was frightened, but that al turned to rage. She begged and pleaded for the men to let her out, but they all had no mercy, for she had always been despicable to them. So they watched and laughed and even threw rocks at this rude princess.

She thought that this was the end of her, until a scrawny little man named Sebastian saw what was going on. He did not have any clue why nobody would help this young lady, for he had no reason to be mad at her, because he was always to chicken to even approach her. So he decided this would be the perfect time to make a move on her, and show her that he could be her hero!

He ran to his father’s metal store, and demanded that he make the best metal suit in the land. He did just so, and as a gift, the father gave his son a golden sword, which could kill a beast in one faithful swipe. The boy was honored his father would give him such a gift, and was determined to kill the beast.

When Sebastian got there, things were not looking to good for the poor princess. She was all beaten and battered by Leo, and was on her last leg, when her knight in shining armor appeared. It was an intense battle, but the scrawny man, with all of his might, managed to slay Leo the Lion in one faithful hit.

The princess was so delighted that Sebastian had saved her life when nobody else cared; she instantly fell in love with him. She demanded that they were to get married at once, and when they did, they lived happily ever after in the big kingdom, and Sebastian will be forever known as “The Great One!”

When the “Great One” got too old to walk, the Greek gods decided that he deserved to go straight to the stars, so he can be remembered forever, for being such a brave hero. You can see Sebastian on his favorite horse, in his metal armor, with his golden sword pointing to the North Star. And, just so there is no conflict, Leo the Lion is way on the other side of the night sky, safe and sound.

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