Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Ambling down the street
Not a cognition in mind
It is a pellucid day
With the sun ablaze
High in the sky

I am convivial of this day
I am elated that the algid seasons are over
Looking forward to the pool parties
And tanning in the sun
Until my skin is

I wish I could have summer
in perpetuum
Alas, I cannot
The only thing I can do is relish in summer
While it lasts...


  1. A really well done piece, I very much enjoyed it from beginning to end. Keep this up; your very good at it.

  2. Great job, I really liked this piece. You should write a couple more of these your very good at them.

  3. Abby-

    This is the best poem I have read all year. I enjoyed this whole peace. I really encourage you to keep writing as much as you can because the amount of skill that you poses.

  4. U did really good abbs I didnt realize how good of a writer you were. This peace was interesting to read. :)
