Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mary's Diary

In 1995, the family members came across diaries from their famous ancestor “Mary Bowser.” Mary had been an undercover female spy during the Civil War. When they found these diaries, it uncovered many unknown secrets behind the assumed “dull – witted black servant.” When the family decided to share Mary’s past, it landed her in the U.S. Army Military Intelligence Corps Hall of Fame in Fort Huachuca, Arizona. The diaries are now in the hands of Mary’s family.

This diary, which was written between the years of 1861 and 1865, was one of the most detailed and important diaries written in Mary’s life. She shared all of her methods and secrets she had never shared with anyone else. Therefore, Mary’s offspring wanted it to be known.

January 30, 1861

Today Mr. Van Lew died. His nice wife and kid are gunna set me free. (Hunter) They gunna do this cuz they never believed in slavery. I don’t know what I’m gunna do with my life after they let me be by myself. They promised they’d help me find work though. Elizabeth is such a fine lady, cuz she gave me an education, (Library) but I don’t know if that’ll be enough for me. I am hopin’ for the best.

March 18, 1861

I be strugglin’ to find good work. I have been given many good jobs, but they all fire me cuz they think I be to assertive and mean. All I’m doin’ is speakin’ my mind! Elizabeth still has been helpin’ me find good places to work though. She’s been very helpful. I owe her lots.

April 31, 1861

Elizabeth told me bout’ spies today. She says that she wants me to be one. (Congress) She told me how smart I am and how I can be a spy myself. Elizabeth gave me strategies and told me stuff that I needed to do. I think I’m gunna make a really good spy some day.

July 28, 1861

I got a job at a prison. (bgill) Elizabeth says that I gotta act stupid so people underestimate me. She told me she wants me to talk to myself and act all disoriented. (Taylor) She says his is what real spies do. So people don’t know how smart they are.

January 16, 1862

I have not written in a while. I have been workin’ in many differnt’ places and learnin’ a lot new stuff about spies. Elizabeth got me to meet Thomas McNiven, a baker who I am supposed to give all of the information to if Elizabeth aint around. (Month) Elizabeth is tryin’ her hardest to get me to work for the family of the Confederacy President Jefferson Davis. She says there’s a lot of information at that house.

March 2, 1862

She got me the job! Elizabeth talked the Davis family into having me work full time for them. (Library) Elizabeth tells me to make sure to look at all of the documents on the tables and take notes so I can report back to her. (Moyers) I am known by everyone as Ellen Bond. I listen to the President and his workers and take notes bout the war. They never expect me to be so smart.

June 30, 1862

I have not had much time to write. They do not know that I can read or write nothin’, so I have to do it secretly. I have not talked to Elizabeth lately, cuz they think that I do not like her much and that I wanted to get away from her. It has been very had to sneak letters into and out of the mail to and from Thomas and Elizabeth.

August 13, 1862

I aint gotta sneak around no more. Elizabeth got me in touch with the Union Army who stops by every once in a while. (Congress) They pretend to pull me to the side to ask any questions, and that’s when I gotta tell them everything I see and hear.

September 29, 1863

I aint written in a long time. Nothin’ has happened to write bout though. I have been in touch with the Union Army, Thomas, and Elizabeth. I have found out big news bout’ how the Confederates are plannin’ to attack in December. I get paid now from the Union. I get paid every big news story I find out. I am gunna spend the money when the war is over and I will find a new place.

December 12, 1863

The Confederates tried to attack on the sixth. We all were prepared because of me! I got paid lots for findin’ out that they were gunna attack, and Elizabeth is gunna hold the money for me because I trust her.

April 2, 1864

I have been writtin’ less and less these passed months. I feel the war is gunna end soon, and I can’t wait to quit this job. They say that I have been acting odd lately, and that I shouldn’t know as much as I should. I am startin’ to get a little worried they are on to me.

May 8, 1864

I went to Thomas’s bakery today. He told me that he wanted me to help him burn down the Confederate Capitol. (Moyers) I am plannin’ it with him now and we are gunna do it soon. I have got some ideas and am gunna go and get some more bread tomorrow so I can tell him my thoughts.

December 23, 1864

People are startin’ to suspect me as a spy. (Hunter) I do not know where people are gettin’ this, cuz I think I was bein’ very discreet. I have the plan for burnin’ down the Capitol, and we are gunna do it next month. Since the war is dyin’ down, I think I am gunna flee, cuz I don’t want people to figure out I have been a spy for the past three years.

January 13, 1865

The burnin’ of the capitol building was unsuccessful. (Month) We did not get enough fire and only made a dent in the building. Now everyone is on to me. I have decided to flee the state and never come back. (Taylor) Since the war is dyin’ down, I am not needed her anymore. I am gunna say goodbye to Elizabeth and Thomas tonight. This will be my last entry, and will give this diary to Elizabeth so I will not have any proof that I was ever a spy. I am takin’ my money also and will try to build a life for myself. I know how to read and write so I will be able to get a good job and hopefully have kids some day. I wish myself best of luck.


bgill. "Female Civil War Soldiers and Spies." 9 May 2007. Footnote. 8 May 2011 .

Congress, The Library Of. "Faces and Voices From The Presentation." 7 January 2009. The Library of Congress. 9 May 2011 .

Hunter, Ryan Ann. "Mary Bowser From Slave To Spy." 12 March 2005. History's Woman. 2011 May 2011 .

Library, Lakewood Public. "Mary Bowser." 8 May 2011. Women In History. 9 May 2011 .

Month, Woman's History. "Elizabeth Van Lew and Mary Bowser." 13 September 2009. Woman's History Month. 8 May 2011 .

Moyers, Bill. "The Spy Who Served Me." 19 April 2002. npr. 8 May 2011 .

Taylor, Ericka. "Black America Web News." 26 January 2011. Black America Web. 8 May 2011 .

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