Sunday, May 15, 2011


What comes to mind when you think of the word “Virus?” Usually, people like to think of these things as “gross” and “bad.”Yes, there are many viruses out there that are very bad for you, and can even kill you, but there are some out there that are very good for you too. Take mold for example. Most assume that they are just some nasty green stuff on your cheese; where they are actually a very good source of Vitamin D. And have you heard of something called Chemotherapy? Surprisingly enough there is a virus that makes this life saving form of therapy. There are a lot of hidden secrets about viruses that many people do not know; and some of them may surprise you.

Oddly, the biggest thing humans do not know about viruses, is what they actually are! Viruses consist of genetic materials (DNA/RNA) surrounded by a protective coat of protein. They are not able to multiply on their own, and that is why they cling on to things such as us humans, or plants. This is known as trying to find a “host” cell. Viruses are much too small to see with the naked eye, yet they are all around us all of the time. Viruses are also a non – living, because they are enable to produce waste, take in food, make food, or use energy to grow. Some of the most common organisms that viruses act on are humans and plants. Some of the known viruses that humans can get are influenza, STDS, chicken pox, and many more. Plants often get viruses that come in the form of mold and other causes that force the plant to rot.

Everyone knows what mold is, yet they do not know for sure all o its qualities. Mold is a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damper decaying organic matter. Which basically means that mold is a virus that gets its nutrients from often natural items that have moister to them. Mold spreads quickly, and travels through the air in tiny spores. Mold digests its food externally and absorbs the natural nutrient molecules into its cell. There are good and bad concepts to mold. People tend to look at the bad side of it, because they know that mold makes people sick and is an allergen that makes the eyes, ears, nose, and throat irritated. But there are many good things about mold. One good thing is that without it, there would be piles and piles of rotten food everywhere. Like I said before, mold takes up organisms and basically deteriorates it. SO when he mold takes over the food, it gets deteriorated and, in some sense, disappears. One other good thing about mold is that it makes mushrooms. Mushrooms are grown in the ground and get created from mold .Now, if mold ceased to exist, there would be no booming mushroom industry, and therefore, there would be a lot less money.

One of the most common viruses among humans is Influenza, commonly known as “the flu.” Influenza is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. There are two main types of the flu, which are Type A and Type B. Type A can be broken down into sub types, which means that there can be other types of Type A. The most common type of “Type A” flu’s is the Swine Flu. Many people get the flu every year, but the most vulnerable to get this virus are all kids six to eighteen years of age, fifty years and older, and people with asthma. Some symptoms of the flu are usually a cough, fever, chill, and headache. There are no good qualities to Influenza, because they have a shot to prevent it. The flu often comes in mild cases, but sometimes, usually older people, get deadly cases. Like I said before, this virus is highly contagious, and usually Influenza is often spread by infected droplets that have been sneezed and/or coughed on. The season of the flu is November through April, but of course, you are prone to this virus anytime of the year.

Mold and Influenza are only two of the millions of viruses out there. Some are bad, and some are good. But people choose to believe that the good viruses cease to exist. Viruses are everywhere, all around you. That is why you must be careful of what you touch. And make sure that you wash you your hand thoroughly, so no bacteria can get on you. After reading this, I hope that you gained a little more knowledge of viruses, and that not all of them are bad, if fact, sometimes we even tend to eat them!


A.D.A.M. "Health Guide." 9 May 2011. New York Times. 9 May 2011 .

CDC. "Mold." 9 May 2011. CDC. 9 May 2011 .

Dictionary. "Mold." Dictionary. Dictionary. n.d.

Nemours. "Influenza." 1995 - 2011. Kids Health. 9 May 2011 .

Viruses. "Viruses." Viruses. 9 May 2011 .

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